Irrational as this may be, everything about Leola gets on my last nerve lately. Allow me to make a list.
1. The previously mentioned tampering with the cat food. She is still clandestinely adding milk or water to Ozzie's dry cat food causing a soggy mess he won't eat. I've thrown away more sodden cat food this summer than I care to think about. Yesterday I heard her banging around in the kitchen. When I asked if she needed something, she said she wanted to heat the milk for the cat! Fortunately, she can't figure out how to turn on the stove.
2. She thinks she's so fucking cute - giggling over the stupidest things and acting like a little girl. Of course she always did this and wanted to be the center of attention, I guess dementia hasn't changed that.
3. Her vanity is unbelievable. When we show her pictures taken this summer (and there are a lot of them), all she can comment on is how she looks!
4. I'm tired of her closing all the doors and windows and talking about how cold she is when she's already wearing two sweaters. Put on another sweater for christ's sake! This is August and it's warm! She also closes all the interior doors for some odd reason. Ozzie can't get to his cat box.
5. She's taken to throwing things (mostly food when we eat out there) over the side of the deck. She doesn't understand that we'll have rats if she keeps it up.
6. Most of all, I'm angry that she doesn't know who Jon is most of the time now. This is irrational on my part and I know she can't help it, but I don't want to see him hurting. He is.
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