Lately I feel a little like Billy Crystal in the movie "Analyze This". In one scene, he is listening to various patients' talk about their issues in therapy and he responds with appropriate shrink talk. Then we see how he really wants to respond - ranting, mocking and criticizing them - things he would never say, of course. That's me with Leola.
Take the temperature. Summer solstice is this weekend. Anyone who has experienced summer in Portland knows it is mostly glorious - low humidity, mild temperatures and minimal bothersome insects. The 3 weeks we've had Leola with us, the temperatures have been in the 70's and 80's, but even dressed in her wool sweaters she is always cold.
Our house has 3 levels and about 2,6000 sq. ft. As I mentioned before, the lower level has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a family room. Leola's room is there. This level also has it's own furnace. We thought this ideal since we could keep her space warmer for her. The main floor has the living room, dining room, kitchen which is all open. There is also a large deck off the dining room where we spend a great deal of time during the summer and fall. I have always kept the doors to the deck open in nice weather, but Leola is constantly closing them because she is cold. When she complains about how cold it is, I will tell her that it is warmer downstairs. She responds, "But I'm not downstairs." Fair enough.
The picture above was taken last night at dinner out on our deck. It was 75 degrees and she was bundled up in a fur coat!
The 3rd level of our house is our bedroom and 2 small adjoining (7' x 7') offices. Since Jon works at home, he is in his office most of the day. She usually parks herself in the living room (even though it is warmer downstairs!) and rereads the several books and magazine she has. If I come downstairs or come home from someplace, she is on me like an aphid on a rosebud - sucking the life blood out of me with her confused talk. Sometimes I notice she is asleep in the chair, but entrance always wakes her no matter how quiet I try to be.
"I think I'll go to Ilwaco this afternoon. Where's my car?" or "I wonder why my mother hasn't called me?" (Her mother died in 1967) or "Aren't you cold with only a T-shirt on?" It is always a question so you are forced to respond which leads to more confused talk. I'm getting better at responses that won't confuse, but the constancy of her questions is going to drive me mad.
Every morning is the same. If she hears us up in the kitchen making coffee, she will quickly dress and come upstairs. After she says "Good Morning" she will always say, "It's cold in here." Every single goddamned day. Later in the day, if the deck doors are open, she will always say, "Did you want the door open?" to which I respond, "Yes, it's nice outside." She will say, "Oh, but it's cold."
So do I give up? Keep the doors shut and turn on the heat in June when it's 75 degrees outside? I'm losing it on this one.
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