Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday, June 3

I hit a wall yesterday and had to leave work after lunch. I was so sleepy and exhausted, I just needed to be horizontal and quiet for a while. Leola is still roaming around the house at night. This morning when I came downstairs, she was asleep on the couch with just a thin throw blanket over her. She woke up as she heard me making coffee and feeding the cat. I watched her sit up and stare, clearly trying to orient herself. I asked her if she had slept on the couch last night and she said, "I have no idea. I'm cold." Jon took her downstairs, so she could get dressed, but as he attempted to lay out clothes for her, he couldn't find any of the new bras I purchased on Sunday. I also noticed she had put panties on over her pantyhose. She had on a bra, but she had apparently slept in it and it was one of the ragged old ones. Tonight I will hunt for the missing underwear and we will attempt another bath. The first bath on Sunday terrified her, but since then I have purchased a large non-slip bathmat. Providence Home Health is coming on Friday to do their evaluation of what we need in terms of grab bars, etc. If she continues to be this confused, I don't think this move is going to work. Jon agrees, but we will keep her with us at least for the summer. If by that time, she isn't more oriented, we will move to Plan B - whatever that is.

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