Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009

A shift has occurred and I'm not sure why or even what it is exactly. On Tuesday, we met with a woman who's business it is to place elderly people in care facilities that match their needs. We had this meeting so we could begin a Plan B, knowing Leola will not be able to stay with us forever. We talked about memory units, foster care and residential care - all new information for me, but very helpful. Leola was away swimming while we met which she didn't want to do. Jon forced her to go since she needed bathing.

Everyday since she has been living here, she has, at least once a day if not more often, stated, "I think I'll go home tomorrow (or today)." which usually leads to the questions about her car I've mentioned before. I've now counted 2 entire days that she hasn't said that. However, I've also noticed she has been quieter in general and sleeping more. She declined to go swimming today and Jon didn't press it since she went on Tuesday. I can't help but wonder what is going through her mind. At dinner tonight she couldn't remember Jon and I were married and insisted there was another man here. Jon showed her our wedding pictures from 1975 and all she could comment on was Jon's mustache. "Why did you get married with a mustache? That's terrible. You didn't shave for your wedding?" I said, "Look at all the men. They all have mustaches." She said, "That's somethin'. Getting married with whiskers." It was difficult to get her back to the question at hand. Yes we are married. We've been married for 34 years. There was no other man here. Who knows how difficult this would be if we HAD been married before!

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